Green Fees

You must be at least 12 years of age to play our course unsupervised.
Please see Course Policies below.

Monday – Thursday

9 holes $12.00

18 holes $16.00

Friday – Sunday & Holidays

9 holes $15.00

18 holes $20.00

Power Carts … $12.00

You must be at least 16 years of age to operate a power cart.
You must have a valid driver’s license or credit card to rent a cart.

Please see Course Policies below


Pull Carts …….. $2.00

Club Rental ….. $5.00


Course Policies

1. Zumbro Valley Recreation Club, Inc. is owned and operated by the shareholders of record and is managed by the Golf Professional & Course Superintendent as directed by the board of directors.

2. Philosophy Statement: The general philosophy of the golf course shall be to provide a wholesome leisure time activity for as many residents as possible and to encourage all patrons to use the course to its maximum potential. This philosophy encompasses that all golfers of all ages and golfing skills will find the course a pleasurable experience. The course will be managed in the most efficient and economical manner possible ‘to’ generate revenue over and above the operating expenses.

3. All course activities will be coordinated by the Golf Professional/Manager and it is his responsibility to enforce the course policies and regulations.

4. Golf Carts: ZVRC allows cart usage and rental. To drive a private cart without adult supervision on the course, the driver must be 16 years old. Rental of course carts is available to anyone 18 and older. Only two persons per rental cart are allowed. The user is responsible for all damages to cart and the course. A rental agreement is required through the Golf Professional.

5. Storage and Rental of Clubs: Club rental is available for $5.00. ZVRC does have club storage available. Storage is at your own risk.

6. Tee Time Reservations: Tee times are required and permitted 5 days in advanced for non-members. Members may reserve 7 days in advance. **Only members can reserve tee times prior to noon on Saturdays. No more than four golfers per tee time are allowed, excluding special events. Walk on play will be allowed based on availability. Follow pace of play rules and maintain proper position on the course.

7. Credit Cards: Mastercard & VISA

8. Course Users: Golfers under the age of 11 need to be supervised while golfing at ZVRC. Also, every one needs a bag and a set of clubs.

9. Golf Etiquette:  ZVRC operates the course in accordance with proper golf etiquette. Please see the rules posted in the golf club.

10. Player Assistant: On days that the course is full, ZVRC may monitor the pace of play with on course assistants.

11. Rain Checks: Rain Checks may be issued to players who have paid green fees and are not able to complete their round due to severe weather conditions. (rain check eligibility will be determined by the golf professional.)

12. Special Event Days:  A calander is posted inside the clubhouse stating course activities and maintenance. ZVRC reserves the right to close course and clubhouse for posted events.

13. Alcohol: No outside alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises.

14. Men’s Club/Women’s Club:  Men’s day is every Thursday from noon to close. Players must be 18 to participate. Weekly events will be coordinated through the golf course professional and posted. Women’s day is every Wednesday from noon to close; again events are coordinated through the golf professional. A Tuesday night men’s league is also offered (see league rules).

15. Schedule: Pro shop anticipates opening April 1st and closing when the snow flies.

Looking to start a memorial or golf tournament?  Or are you looking to do a fun work golf outing? 
We would be happy to host your special event!!!  Please contact us to learn more!